29.10.2019 - 30.10.2021, funded by Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area
Project name: “Efficient Legal Aid for Refugees and Migrants in Bulgaria”
Conducted from: 29.10.2020 to 30.10.2021
Funded by: Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area
Budget: 157,385 euro
Leading organization: Center for Legal Aid – Voice in Bulgaria (CLA)
Partner: Foundation for Access to Rights - FAR
Goal: The projects aims through providing legal aid (consultations, representation before administrative and judicial instances) to the direct beneficiaries - asylum seekers, refugees and migrants, and through advocacy before target groups - the officials working with beneficiaries and judges - to lead both to individual results of respecting human rights, and to change of the institutional and judicial practices and legislation. The specific advocacy goals include improving the quality of asylum applications assessment in accordance with the requirements of European and international refugee law; establishing of working mechanisms for access to justice in cases of human rights violations (e.g., push-backs and violence at the borders); access to judicial oversight on immigration detention; real and fair access to the labour market, the social systems, education and healthcare, etc.
Legal Aid - court representation
Legal Aid - consultations
Information sessions with migrants in the closed centres of the MoI
Website: www.migrantrights.eu